We are happy to offer the Persimmon Dye Sashiko Thread this year again, continuously.
For More Available Kakishibu, please check this Batch!
Persimmon (Kakishibu) Dye requires deep experience and detailed techniques to prepare the appropriate materials and stabilize the color. First of all, the Kakishibu liquid smells bad, I mean, really bad. We fortunately found a great Kakishibu Dye professionals, and thanks to their help, we achieved these 5 beautiful colors.
Persimmon Dye = Persimmon Tannin = Kakishibu
Kakishibu is a form of liquid (or sometime powdered) made from un-ripe persimmon. Get the juice from green un-ripe persimmon and ferment the juice.
Five Shades options (Choices) are available.
*Stock is limited. We will not be able to restock the same color (We need to wait for the next batch, which will be available in 2022).
*It is challenging to replicate the exact same color on the screen. Please refer to my hand color for the comparison. I will keep adding photos.
*The pricing is for 1 skein of Sashiko Thread.
*I received a review mentioning about the color of K2B. It is NOT the pitch-black we imagine. It is more like dark brown with black taste.
Please Read Before Purchase
*The layer of Kakishibu Persimmon Tannin will make Sashiko thread stiff. The darker the color is, the more stiff it gets. For example, the Dark Brown Color (K2B) is the most stiff one in this collection. If you would like to soften the thread, you may soak the thread to the luke water with a bit of fabric softner. Since we wanted to keep thread as less chemical as possible, we kept it as is. Even the thread is stiff, the experience of stitching won't be so different.
*Since Kakishibu Dye is a type of dye "addig the layer" to the thread, some of the dark color (here the Dark Brown Color K2B) may leave Black/Brown color on the fabric when you take the threads out after stitching on the light (white) fabric.
*Since the outcome of Kakishibu Dye greatly varies from the sunlight, it is very difficult to have the exact same color. We keep eye on the inventory, but there is a possibility of being in short. In those cases, we may ask you to agree to receive the most similar color to your order. Since every threads are dyed by hands with natural dyes, the colors may be a bit different from the photos depends on the screen you are looking at. The difference in variegated colors may be more significant because of the "variegated" character. If you have the specific colors you would like to have in your mind, please contact Atsushi first. We appreciate your understanding.
*Please read the article of How to handle Natural Dye Thread and Fabric.
*This page is for Persimmon Kakishibu Dye Sashiko Thread. If you are interested in Previous Kakihibu Dye Sashiko Thread (Collection of 2019), please visit this page.
We aren't just a Japanese craft supplier. We are a team of Sashiko professionals with more than 30 years of experience in Sashiko field. What we sell is what we use in our artworks. When we decide to not to use, it is the time to stop selling here.
We also strive for excellence in customer service. It is simply because we are happy to share what we are proud of, "Sashiko". Customers who purchase our products is a fan of Sashiko. We are happy to get to know you. We will answer questions regarding Sashiko from customers.
It is fortunate to know that I can get the best materials for Sashiko. Sashiko is pretty addictive.
Atsushi Futatsuya
store owner
We are a team of Sashiko professionals.
[Owner / Manager] : Atsushi Futatsuya
Atsushi Futatsuya will be in charge of introducing Sashiko to the world by providing workshops, online resources, and providing supplies to the market.
[Complied under the supervision of...] : Keiko Futatsuya
Keiko Futatsuya, with more than 30 years in Sashiko industry, supervise the Sashiko works Atsushi provides on the website. Keiko is in charge of designing, crafting, and all other directing responsibilities in Sashi.Co project in Japan.