I say any kind of fabric can be used for Sashiko. However, it doesn't mean "whatever is good". We do have very specific preference. The tightness, weight, thread, all of the consists of fabric affect the experience of Sashiko stitching. This is the best cotton fabric for Sashiko that we use for our daily crafting & stitching.
We used to carry one specific Indigo Dye Sashiko Fabric (cotton 100%) that we used for pretty much all of the projects. The supply package for the workshop included the Indigo Dye Sashiko Fabric. In the winter of 2020, we received very unfortunate news that the fabric we completely depended on would not be manufactured any longer - another sad and unfortunate outcome of today's society.
Keiko and I spend good half-year to find the replacement. It has to bring a stitcher the "comfortableness" so that we can focus on running stitch (Unshin - 運針). Thanks to many support from our friends & artisans in Japan, we found a manufacture who can take over the production, and we have been testing to stitch on it. Now, we are ready to say "It is t he best fabric for Sashiko".
*In comparison to the previous fabric, this new fabric (SCR_100) is a bit "tighter". In general, the quality of fabric can be considered better when it is tightly and nicely woven. We feel it is a bit "better quality" as well in comparison to the previous fabric. However, as I mentioned above, we believe this fabric will bring the very similar experience.
If you are interested in the product description of previous fabric, please check this PDF.
*The previous fabric is now all gone from our shelves. Thank you for your support. If you would need the exact same fabric, please contact Atsushi so that we can check it in Japan. We cannot promise anything, but we will do our best to find the left-over.
*1 - In order to enjoy the rhythm and wisdom of Sashiko, we strongly recommend in using the thread specifically designed for Sashiko.
*2 - This fabric is NOT Hon-Aizome (本藍染)as the authentic Japanese Natural Indigo Dye. If you would like to purchase one, please contact me. I can arrange the order. It is expensive for us to carry as the inventory.
It is going to be very long discussion to define what is "good fabric" for the Sashiko Stitching. I have been talkinga about it on SNS and Youtube. As a quick summary, here is a check list for choosing good fabric for Sashiko
You should choose the fabric based on your project goal. Unlike the Sashiko thread (*1), we can use any kind of fabric based for Sashiko stitching. Here, on this website, we introduce one of the most common (yet very good quality) fabric. A combination of Indigo Dyed fabric and white thread is the traditional Sashiko stitching.
*1 Sashiko Thread Matter: (Youtube Video).
*What is Suitable Fabric for Sashiko? : https://upcyclestitches.com/suitable-fabric-for-sa...
The fabrics we offer here have a good thickness and softness for Sashiko stitching. We use this fabric to many our projects as well as for the workshops Atsushi provides. If you are a graduate of Sashiko Workshop / Online Sashiko Class, this is the fabric you used on learning Sashiko.
We aren't just a Japanese craft supplier. We are a team of Sashiko professionals with more than 30 years of experience in Sashiko field. What we sell is what we use in our artworks. When we decide to not to use, it is the time to stop selling here.
We also strive for excellence in customer service. It is simply because we are happy to share what we are proud of, "Sashiko". Customers who purchase our products is a fan of Sashiko. We are happy to get to know you. We will answer questions regarding Sashiko from customers.
It is fortunate to know that I can get the best materials for Sashiko. Sashiko is pretty addictive.
Atsushi Futatsuya
store owner
We are a team of Sashiko professionals.
[Owner / Manager] : Atsushi Futatsuya
Atsushi Futatsuya will be in charge of introducing Sashiko to the world by providing workshops, online resources, and providing supplies to the market.
[Complied under the supervision of...] : Keiko Futatsuya
Keiko Futatsuya, with more than 30 years in Sashiko industry, supervise the Sashiko works Atsushi provides on the website. Keiko is in charge of designing, crafting, and all other directing responsibilities in Sashi.Co project in Japan.